Aria Sounds - Xiao Flute (KONTAKT)

Aria Sounds - Xiao Flute продольная бамбуковая флейта сяо (?, xi?o) - один из древнейших музыкальных инструментов Китая: он существует уже почти 3000 лет. Мы засэмплировали этот инструмент с интервалами легато до октавы и искусственно заполнили некоторые ноты, которые на самом деле физически невозможно сыграть на инструменте. С нашим инструментом вы можете играть на нем в любой тональности, как на любом другом инструменте VST на клавиатуре.

Aria Sounds - Xiao Flute the longitudinal bamboo flute xiao (?, xi?o) - one of the oldest musical instruments in China: it has existed for nearly 3,000 years. We sampled this tool with legato intervals up to an octave and artificially filled in some of the notes, which actually can not be played on the instrument physically. With our instrument, you can play it in any key, as you would any other VST instrument on the keyboard.



Aria Sounds - Xiao Flute (KONTAKT)

There are multiple keyswitches, arranged so you can choose the first note of a phrase, and alter the experssion of notes throughout a phrase as you play, allowing for an extremely human like sound. The expression wheel also controls dynamics.

Обновлено 18.09.2022 11:28


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