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East West Quantum Leap - Voices of Apocalypse (Kontakt)

EWQL Voices of Apocalypse - это высококлассная библиотека от East West Quantum Leap и продюсера Ника Феникса Voices of Apocalypse (Голоса Апокалипсиса) - классический хор. Каждый гласный, согласный и совмещающие звуки засэмплированы в мульти-динамике и запрограммированны так, что появилась возможность создавать реалистичные слова.


EWQL Voices of Apocalypse part 1

EWQL Voices of Apocalypse part 2

EWQL Voices of Apocalypse part 3

EWQL Voices of Apocalypse part 4

EWQL Voices of Apocalypse part 5

A breakthrough sample library from East West and Quantum Leap producer Nick Phoenix on 3 CD-ROMs. Voices of the Apocalypse - Classical Choir. Every vowel and consonant sounds sampled at multiple dynamics, programmed in a way that allows you to create realistic words, sung in any language.

Voices of the Apocalypse sounds nothing like any other choir library you've ever heard, because the producer fearlessly went after the full spectrum of a Wagneresque choir. He chromatically sampled a 3 octave range of both men and women in a fabulous sounding hall. Everything from Angelic to downright evil!

Mens Choir -
Ah, oo, ee, oh, eh, ih, uh, mm, all chromatically sampled with a three octave range. Straight tone and heavy vibrato cross-faded with the mod wheel for extremely expressive performances. Release samples of the hall for every sample. Cross-fade patches between every vowel. Slow attack ambient patches as well as fast attack crisp patches. Cromatically sampled pitched consonants, and pitchless consonants. True word building capability. Effects.

Womens Choir -
Ah, oo, ee, oh, eh, ih, uh, mm, all chromatically sampled with a three octave range. Straight tone and heavy vibrato cross-faded with the mod wheel for extremely expressive performances. Release samples of the hall for every sample. Cross-fade patches between every vowel. Slow attack ambient patches as well as fast attack crisp patches. Cromatically sampled pitched consonants, and pitchless consonants. True word building capability. Effects.

Angels Choir -
A smaller group of women singing oo and oh straight tone and ah and oh vibrato. Beautiful.

Demons Choir (NEW!)-
8 monks singing oh straight tone and vowel shuffling demon tones cross-faded with the mod wheel. Stunning!

Обновлено 06.12.2014 08:52


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