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Ice Samples - Love Violin (KONTAKT)

Ice Samples - Love Violin библиотека сольной скрипки включающая такие артикуляции: легато, портаменто, спиккато, пиццикато, тремоло.

Ice Samples - Love Violin a wonderful library of solo violin including such articulations: legato, portamento, spiccato, pizzicato, tremolo. Love Violinis a simple but powerful instrument, with a friendly and beautiful interface that makes the job much more pleasant and helps us in our inspiration. It has a very intimate and warm sound and as you interpret it, you can feel it that come to life through the notes.


Ice Samples - Love Violin (KONTAKT)


Ice Samples - Love Violin (KONTAKT)


Ice Samples - Love Violin has a similar function and performance to all of our previous products, but now we have integrated new features that will help to give more realism to your creations. In the lower left corner of the interface, is the knob that controls the speed with which the samples are interpreted. 
This means that sound can expand or contract, as a "Time stretch" but that works in real time.
The articulations that respond to this controller are the Sustain and Staccato.
For the Sustain that already has a real vibrato, helps to increase or decrease the speed with which you play the vibrato,
For Staccato, works when we want to made Staccatissimos, or when we want a longer sound.
The knob "Speed Control" may be assigned to any CC controller number by right-clicking on it.
Make a test, and play staccatos while moving the previously assigned Speed knob and notice how the sound changes and becomes shorter or longer.

For that a portamento can be interpreted, we must first clarify the following points:

1 - The Modulation wheel CC1, enables or disables the Legato and Portamento.

2 - If the Modulation wheel CC1 has a value less than 64, this deactivate Legato and Portamento and the instrument can be interpreted polyphonically.

3 - If the Modulation Wheel has a value between 65 and 119 Legato is activated.

4 - If the Modulation Wheel has a value between 120 and 127 Portamento is activated.

In the lower right corner of the interface, is the knob that controls the speed of the

The Violin portamento, sound thanks to a powerful script that was created by Michiel Deiman, who would appreciate your valuable support and kindness.

The "Portamento Time" knob can be assigned to any number of CC controller by right clicking on it.
The higher the value (in the sense of turning clockwise) Slower play the portamento.
Try to play two notes tied while the Modulation wheel is in the range corresponding to activate the script.
Then he returns to play the two tied notes after you have increased or decreased the value of "Portamento Time" and you'll see the difference.
The "Large Scale" is a dropdown menu with two options

If we choose the first one by default that is "Large Scale", this means that the script will make
the Portamento transition slower and softer. If we choose the second option "Small Scale" this means
that the script will make the Portamento transition more rugged and fast.
The button "Gliss Time Sync" makes that Portamento Tempo suits the project.

Обновлено 29.07.2018 19:14


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