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Karanyi Sounds - Vapor Keys (KONTAKT)

Karanyi Sounds представляет Vapor Keys: сборник великолепно звучащих сэмплов FM Electric Piano. Образцы вдохновляющей коллекции потрясающих клавишных инструментов для Kontakt. Он может звучать мило и наивно, ярко, смело, остро, сочно и сексуально, просторно или даже мрачно.

Karanyi Sounds Introduces Vapor Keys: a collection of great sounding FM Electric Piano samples. Samples an inspiring collection of fabulous keyboard instruments for Kontakt. It can sound cute and naive, bright, bold, sharp, crappy, juicy and sexy, spacious or even dark and gloomy.


Karanyi Sounds - Vapor Keys (KONTAKT) part 1

Karanyi Sounds - Vapor Keys (KONTAKT) part 2

Karanyi Sounds - Vapor Keys (KONTAKT) part 3

Karanyi Sounds - Vapor Keys (KONTAKT) part 4


Vapor Keys includes 3 classic and modern FM sources with deep sampling, algorithmic and wave synthesizer sources in 1 package.
Electric Pianos are dry, multi velocity sampled instruments with classic EP presets from vintage FM gear with 2 effects / patch: a detuned chorus and a phaser.
With this selection you get access to great authentic FM Electric Pianos from the 80s and 90s. All samples are recorded key-to-key in 24 bit 48kHz. We captured these sounds with analog gear and by applying the minimum software post-production process to keep these patches rich and fresh.

Multi-layer sampled Electric Piano patches with keybed noises for additonal reality and playability
+ Custom Yamaha DX7
+ 9 Electric Piano patches
+ Full scales
+ Neve 1073 Preamp + Roland Dimension D + Studer A800 used for recording path
+ 3-4 dynamic layers / patch

Vapor Keys are heavily sound-designed keyboard instruments with dry and wet signals mixed together from various FM pianos, other synth sources and reverb gears. These patches are great for chords, arps and shorter soundscapes. We captured authentic, classic instruments algorithmic and fm (Yamaha DX7 and TX81z) and modern wavetable (Arturia MicroFreak) synthesizers along with various Eventide reverb units and tape machines to create these extraordinary presets.

Combinations of various electric piano and wavetable synth patches with additonal spaces
+ Custom Yamaha DX7
+ Arturia MicroFreak
+ Various wavetable & algorithmic synthesis sounds such as electric pianos, marimbas, strings, CMI Fairlight
+ Full scales
+ Neve 1073 Preamp + Roland Dimension D + Studer A800 used for recording path
+ Eventide Blackhole, Lexicon 224 effect processors
+ 2-5 layers / patch

Обновлено 19.02.2022 20:03


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