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Native Instruments - Berlin Concert Grand v1.4.0 (KONTAKT)

Native Instruments представляет Berlin Concert Grand v1.4.0 - исключительный инструмент, записанный с легендарного ACOUSTIC PIANO. Его структурная ясность, поэтический и оригинальный стиль - окончательные характеристики этого концертного фортепиано. Сложные методы записи при использовании высококачественного оборудования предоставили материал для семплера KONTAKT, гарантируя, что Берлинский концертный гранд рояль не отличается от оригинала.

Native Instruments presents Berlin Concert Grand v1.4.0 - an exceptional instruments, derived from the legendary ACOUSTIC PIANO. Its structural clarity, poise sound, poetic and original style - the definitive characteristics of this concert piano. Sophisticated methods of recording when you use high-quality equipment have provided material for the KONTAKT sampler, ensuring that the Berlin Concert Grand is not distinguished from the original.


Native Instruments - Berlin Concert Grand v1.4.0 for Windows


Native Instruments - Berlin Concert Grand v1.4.0 for Mac OS


Berlin Concert Grand - the most revered pianos in the world based on the award-winning and extremely powerful Native Instruments sampled engine, providing a realistic and reliable reproduction of the original. Keys, including complete sustain and release phases, were selected in 10 different speeds. Specially developed technique records ensured that the different rates remained the same for the whole process of recording, providing an exceptionally linear results. High-end microphones and audio equipment delivered the best possible quality of the recorded material, while layer morphing technology generates a seamless dynamic gradient between the different layers of speed.

Обновлено 17.03.2022 13:06


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