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Solid State Logic - Duende Native 5.1.1 VST

Solid State Logic - Duende Native 5.1.1 VST - это мощный пакет плагинов (Plugins) для обработки звука. Набор плагинов Duende Native - это набор инструментов для обработки аудио, которые приносят профессиональное качество звука, утонченность и производительность для всех пользователей цифровых рабочих станций и виртуальных студий. Solid State Logic - Duende Native 5 подключаемые модули обеспечивают превосходную точность, расширенные опции и легендарные тональные характеристики консолей SSL в форматах VST / AU / RTAS.

Solid State Logic - Duende Native 5.1.1 VST - is a powerful package of quality tools (plugins) for audio processing. A set of plugins Duende Native - a collection of tools for audio processing that bring professional sound quality, refinement and performance for all users of digital workstations. Duende Plug-ins provide the superior precision, advanced options and legendary tonal characteristics of SSL consoles in VST / AU / RTAS formats.


Solid State Logic - Duende Native 5.1.1 VST

The EQ and Dynamics Channel Strip plug-in is based on the EQ and compressor sections of the XL 9000 K Series console. SSL
were the first mixing console manufacturer to feature dynamics and EQ on every channel on an in-line console with the
SL 4000 B Series in 1977. The plug-in includes separate high and low pass filters, an independent compressor/limiter and
gate/expander, a four band parametric equalizer which is assignable to the dynamics sidechain, variable processing order
as well as input and output gain adjustment and phase inversion.
Stereo Bus Compressor

The Stereo Bus Compressor plug-in is a stereo version of the legendary centre section stereo bus compressor found on the
XL 9000 K Series console. It provides high quality stereo compression, giving you critical control over the dynamic range of
audio signals.
Uses may include inserting the bus compressor over a stereo mix which has the effect of ‘gluing’ the mix together whilst still
maintaining a big sound. The dynamics of drum overheads or whole drum kits can be controlled very effectively with the bus
compressor. As it is available as either a stereo or mono plug-in the bus compressor can be used for practically any application
that requires superior compression.

X-Comp can deliver the transparent audio finesse of a mastering grade stereo compressor or be driven to inject character and
raw power to rival the SSL Listen Mic Compressor. In X-Comp we haven’t just modelled a particular compressor, but have
provided a set of features and controls that allow the emulation of many vintage and modern compression designs based on
a well loved SSL feed forward compressor algorithm.
Key Features
• Dual symmetrical knee design allows detailed shaping of the compression characteristic
• Advanced side chain architecture using 1st order filters delivers user friendly Frequency Dependant Parallel Compression
• Amplitude Histogram and Gain Reduction history displays provide advanced real time pre/post signal analysis
• Max Gain Reduction control provides genuine vintage compressor characteristics
• Intuitive user interface with drag and move graphic, mouse wheel and numeric editing
• A/B facility for instant comparison of two different compression set ups
• Proprietary preset management functions providing compatibility between all DAW platforms
• Global latency free bypass
• Superb mastering grade audio quality delivered by Duende’s 64-bit floating point engine
• Preset library based on settings used by some of the worlds top mixing engineers

- EQ & Dynamics Channel
- Duende Native Bus Compressor
- X-Verb
- X-Phase
- X-EQ
- X-Comp
- X-ValveComp
- X-Saturator
- Drumstrip
- Vocalstrip

System requirements: Windows XP (SP2 or higher), Vista 32 Bit or Windows 7 32 Bit
Intel Core 2 running at 2.0 GHz or higher (or comparable CPU)
2GB of RAM (or higher)

Обновлено 18.01.2022 17:27


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